Discover the data & process behind our plan for the future of Santa Ana Unified School District.
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A Master Plan is how the district can listen to the community and understand your needs, visions, and goals for education in our region.
We spoke with hundreds of parents, staff, and students to understand how our schools can best serve our community for generations to come. Click below to see what we learned and how this will influence the future of the District.
These Ed Specs will maximize opportunity for design standards and concepts that inspire transformative culture, outstanding student experiences and achievement, a commitment to the whole child, exceptional talent, and responsible stewardship
See how the student & facility data come together to form recommendations for each campus. Understand the costs & proposed projects.
This facilities master plan is intended to guide the long-term capital improvement projects throughout the District. The concepts developed for each campus result from careful analysis of each school’s GOALS, FACTS and NEEDS and attempts to provide a solution that directly responds to those factors. Detailed design of each project will occur at a future date upon establishing project funding sources and will be addressed by the District, site staff, and design team selected for each site.
Watch Instructions Video
Watch this video to learn how to use this master plan report